Washing test
Washing test Homo test is one of the vital and essential products in the medical industry, which is used to evaluate and ensure the cleanliness and complete washing of medical tools and equipment. These tests are specifically designed to ensure the presence of any contamination and organic residues after the washing process and help improve the quality of healthcare services.
Waterproof Dressing Tape
The waterproof dressing tape is an ideal product for protecting wounds, cuts, and stitches. With high adhesive strength and waterproof properties, it effectively prevents water and moisture from penetrating the wound area, allowing you to confidently engage in daily activities like showering and hand washing.
Zinc Oxide Tape
Zinc oxide tape is a versatile medical product specifically designed for securing dressings and treating wounds. Utilizing zinc oxide, this tape has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in accelerating the healing process of wounds. Additionally, its strong adhesive quality prevents dressings from shifting and helps protect the skin against moisture and contamination.